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George, a native of Greece, grew up in a Christian home where his father was a pastor and the secretary-treasurer of the Greek SDA Mission. He currently lives in the USA. He is married to Marcia, and they have two lovely adult children. George has done extensive study and research in Biblical Archeology and Church History, as well as studying with a Greek Australian evangelist. He has led several tours in Greece, groups in Turkey’s Seven Churches of Revelation, and Europe’s Reformation sites. For over 15 years, he has served as a head elder in his local Seventh-day Adventist Church (Conn Valley SDA, S. Windsor, Connecticut).
He has given presentations on Biblical history to various audiences. His presentations give a refreshing understanding of the original Greek Bible texts and give meaning to the writings of the Apostles Luke and Paul, paralleled with quotes from the Spirit of Prophecy and academic research. On this tour, you will also be escorted by a second licensed tour guide – an instructor. He will focus on providing you with an in-depth knowledge of Greece’s Classical Era.